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Datacards make referencing your rules in battle easy, perfect for when a game has you so engrossed you can't tear your eyes off the battlefield for a second. Keep track of the various Psychic Powers available to your army, plus Stratagems, Infernal Pacts, and more.
Datacards: Thousand Sons contains the following datacards:
You will need a copy of the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book and Codex: Thousand Sons to make full use of these cards.
Datacards make referencing your rules in battle easy, perfect for when a game has you so engrossed you can't tear your eyes off the battlefield for a second. Keep track of the various Psychic Powers available to your army, plus Stratagems, Infernal Pacts, and more.
Datacards: Thousand Sons contains the following datacards:
- 7 Core Stratagems
- 35 x Thousand Sons Stratagems
- 19 x Psychic Powers
- 9 x Cult-specific Psychic Powers – one each for the Cult of Mutation, Cult of Prophecy, Cult of Time, Cult of Scheming, Cult of Magic, Cult of Knowledge, Cult of Change, Cult of Duplicity, and Cult of Manipulation
- 6 x Infernal Pacts
You will need a copy of the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book and Codex: Thousand Sons to make full use of these cards.
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