Blood Angels

The Blood Angels are one of the 20 First Founding Legions of the Space Marines and were originally the IXth Legion before the Second Founding broke the Legiones Astartes up into separate Chapters of 1000 Space Marines. They are well-known across the galaxy for their bloodthirsty nature in battle, and feared for the curse of flawed gene-seed they carry. The Blood Angels are amongst the longest-living of the Adeptus Astartes, with some of the Chapter's Space Marines having served the Emperor of Mankind for over a thousand standard years. Due to recent events, the Blood Angels' numbers were severely depleted. Under the threat of extinction, and in order to quickly replenish their numbers, the Blood Angels were forced to ask their kindred Successor Chapters from subsequent Astartes Foundings for a tithe of warriors from the related Chapters' pools of Neophytes, their candidate Space Marines. With these tithes of new recruits, and the recent arrival of the Primaris Space Marines during the Indomitus Crusade, the Blood Angels were able to replenish their losses, though they still face a time of trial like none the Chapter has known since the days of the Horus Heresy. The Blood Angels are the noble descendants of that most puissant and angelic of the Primarchs -- Sanguinius. They are perhaps one of the most celebrated Chapters in the entire Imperium, their countless heroic deeds and victories known to untold billions of the Emperor's subjects across the length and breadth of the galaxy. The beauteous, angelic visages of the Chapter's heroes adorn Gothic facades and stained glass windows in a million holy basilicas, and their portraits gaze serenely from endlessly copied and much cherished illuminated tomes.

Warhammer 40,000 - Attack Bike
Space Marine Bike squads carry out fast-moving assault missions. Attacking at incredible speeds, they use surprise and momentum to punch holes in the enemy formation, accelerating away as the enemy recovers his wits. Bike squad tactical strikes are often likened to thunderbolts - by the time a foe has heard their approach, the damage has already been done.
Our standard price 31,50 EUR
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Warhammer 40,000 - Blood Angels Furioso Dreadnought
The Furioso Dreadnought is death incarnate, a towering war machine whose fearsome weaponry is guided by a pilot buried deep within its shell. Many bear the scars from thousands of years of warfare and they are revered within the Blood Angels Chapter as living relics.
Our standard price 50,00 EUR
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Warhammer 40,000 - Death Company Intersessors
The warriors of the Death Company, consumed by the madness of the Black Rage, consign themselves to death in battle. It is both a great tragedy, and a great honour, to be one of these offerings upon the altar of war.
Our standard price 35,00 EUR
Your price 21,00 EUR
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Warhammer 40,000 - Blood Angels: Death Company Intercessors
Every Blood Angel felt their hopes dashed when the first of the Primaris Space Marines brought to the Chapter by Roboute Guilliman fell to the Black Rage. With great solemnity were these brothers inducted into the Death Company. However, once unleashed on the battlefield, their strength, combined with the fury of the Black Rage, is a terrifying sight to behold.
Our standard price 42,50 EUR
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Warhamer 40.000: - Blood Angels: Dominion Zephon
Released as part of the Black Library Celebration 2022, Dominion Zephon leaps into battle with the aid of bionics designed by Arkhan Land, his jump pack and armour resplendent in Blood Angels motifs. He is armed with his greatsword, The Spiritum Sanguis, and twin volkite pistols, named Lament and Grief. His rules are available to download for free from the Warhammer Community website, letting you add the Bringer of Sorrows to your Blood Angels battle hosts.
Our standard price 26,00 EUR
Your price 15,60 EUR
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Space Marines: Drop Pod
The Space Marines are known as the Angels of Death, and the title is never more appropriate than when they attack using Drop Pods. Drop Pod assaults are the ultimate weapon of terror and surprise, aimed right at the heart of the foe. Scarcely have the smouldering hulls come to rest when their hatches blow clear, and the occupants disembark to wreak havoc on wrong-footed enemies.
Our standard price 44,00 EUR
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Warhammer 40,000 - Space Marines: Excursors
Look no further than the aptly named Outriders to roar ahead of your main army and take the fight to the enemy vanguard from the outset, or to sweep around your opponent’s flanks and encircle their forces.
Our standard price 50,00 EUR
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Warhammer 40,000 - Space Marines: Hammerfall Bunker
The Hammerfall Bunker offers your Space Marines army unrelenting firepower where you need it most. In addition to its Hammerfall missile launcher, each bunker is outfitted with a heavy flamer or heavy bolter array, enabling you to devastate any nearby enemies, regardless of their direction of approach.
Our standard price 55,00 EUR
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Space Marines - Librarian
Librarians are some of the greatest warrior-mystics in the galaxy. On the battlefield they combine the martial prowess of a Space Marine with their own powerful psychic abilities. They are capable of using their minds to throw powerful energy bolts, project force-shields, or even redirect bullets.
Our standard price 32,50 EUR
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Warhammer 40,000 - Armour Through the Ages
Our standard price 34,00 EUR
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Warhammer 40,000 - Primaris Chaplain
The spiritual leaders of their Chapters, Chaplains are awe-inspiring warrior priests who administer rites, preserve rituals and perform ancient ceremonies of initiation, vindications and redemption that are as important to a Space Marine Chapter as its roll of honour or skill at arms.
Our standard price 32,50 EUR
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Warhammer 40,000 - Primaris Impulsor
The Impulsor is a lightly armoured, fast-moving assault transport favoured by Vanguard Space Marine forces. Benefiting from the same advanced gravitic-impulsion technology employed by the heavier Repulsor-class chassis, the Impulsor boasts vectored thrusters that offer the it far greater manoeuvrability.
Our standard price 65,00 EUR
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Space Marines: Primaris Invader ATV
The Invader is a highly flexible all-terrain vehicle, perfectly adapted to an aggressive reconnaissance role. Outfitted with either a multi-melta or an onslaught gatling cannon, it can rapidly deliver punishing fire against vulnerable parts of the enemy line, or swiftly engage and destroy scouting elements of opposing forces.
Our standard price 41,00 EUR
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Warhammer 40,000 - Primaris Librarian in Phobos Armour
Eyes blazing and fists crackling with roiling energies, Space Marine Librarians stride into battle to destroy their foes. Some hurl blasts of warp-force that crush their victims to paste, while others twist with the flow of time itself or revitalise their brothers with incredible surges of dynamism. However they choose to fight, all Librarians are powerful psykers, harnessing the potent mutation they bear as a force to defend Humanity.
Our standard price 31,50 EUR
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Warhammer 40,000 - Primaris Lieutenant in Phobos Armour
Lieutenants act as the right hands of their Captains by providing flexibility and helping to direct their battle-brothers in engagements. They are often entrusted with direct battlefield command of a demi-company or strike force – handling squad-level combat logistics and acting as exemplary leaders.
Our standard price 31,50 EUR
Your price 18,90 EUR
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Space Marine Heroes 2022 – Blood Angels Collection One
Space Marine Heroes 2022 Set 1 brings you a selection of six of these towering warriors, armed with a variety of weapons to eviscerate their enemies.
Our standard price 52,00 EUR
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Warhammer 40,000 - Space Marine Meltaguns
Meltaguns are lethal anti-armour weapons, used by Space Marines when undertaking assaults against heavily fortified defence lines and bunkers. Most effective at very short range the meltagun is capable of reducing rock, metal and living material to molten slag or ash.
Our standard price 9,00 EUR
Your price 5,40 EUR
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Warhammer 40,000 - Space Marine Plasma Guns
Smaller than the plasma cannon, the plasma gun fires several compact 'pulses' of plasma energy.
Our standard price 11,00 EUR
Your price 6,60 EUR
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Warhammer 40,000 - Space Marines: Tactical Squad
Tactical Squads are the backbone of any Space Marine army. They hold ground; provide fire support and charge into bloody melees, as the ever-changing theatre of war dictates.
Our standard price 47,50 EUR
Your price 28,50 EUR
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Warhammer 40,000 - Vanguard Veteran Squad
Deployed as fast-moving rapid-response forces, Space Marine Vanguard Veterans are close-combat specialists. These veterans of the 1st Company take to war propelled by jump packs and armed with the Chapter’s most ancient and revered melee weapons.
Our standard price 47,50 EUR
Your price 28,50 EUR
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Warhammer 40,000 - Whirlwind
The Whirlwind is an adaptation of the Rhino design, a lightly armoured tank chassis armed with a multiple rocket launcher system capable of raining precision fire down upon enemy positions. Thanks to its target acquisition system, the Whirlwind is able to bombard hidden or entrenched targets with incredible accuracy, often from behind the safety of cover.
Our standard price 55,00 EUR
Your price 33,00 EUR
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