Space Wolfs

Warhammer 40,000 - Attack Bike
Space Marine Bike squads carry out fast-moving assault missions. Attacking at incredible speeds, they use surprise and momentum to punch holes in the enemy formation, accelerating away as the enemy recovers his wits. Bike squad tactical strikes are often likened to thunderbolts - by the time a foe has heard their approach, the damage has already been done.
Our standard price 31,50 EUR
Your price 18,90 EUR
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Warhammer 40,000 - Canis Wolfborn
Canis Wolfborn is one of the most feral and destructive warriors on all of Fenris. Raised by a pack of Fenrisian wolves in the snow-swept wilderness of Fenris, he is wolf-brother to mighty Fangir, the largest and most powerful of all the Thunderwolves. In battle they are an inseparable whirlwind of claws and fangs that combine brute strength with resourceful cunning.
Our standard price 45,00 EUR
Your price 27,00 EUR
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Space Marines: Drop Pod
The Space Marines are known as the Angels of Death, and the title is never more appropriate than when they attack using Drop Pods. Drop Pod assaults are the ultimate weapon of terror and surprise, aimed right at the heart of the foe. Scarcely have the smouldering hulls come to rest when their hatches blow clear, and the occupants disembark to wreak havoc on wrong-footed enemies.
Our standard price 44,00 EUR
Your price 26,40 EUR
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Warhammer 40,000 - Space Marines: Excursors
Look no further than the aptly named Outriders to roar ahead of your main army and take the fight to the enemy vanguard from the outset, or to sweep around your opponent’s flanks and encircle their forces.
Our standard price 50,00 EUR
Your price 30,00 EUR
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Warhammer 40,000 - Fenrisian Wolves
Fenrisian Wolves are not only swift, but hit hard-hitting, making them perfect for picking off vulnerable, isolated targets, or acting as a screen for your advance.
Our standard price 34,00 EUR
Your price 20,40 EUR
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The Horus Heresy Geigor Fell-Hand
Our standard price 26,00 EUR
Your price 15,60 EUR
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Warhammer 40,000 - Grey Hunter with Wolf Standard
The presence of the Wolf Standard inspires Grey Hunters to incredible feats of heroism, and it is considered a great honour to carry it into battle.
Our standard price 23,00 EUR
Your price 13,80 EUR
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Warhammer 40,000 - Space Wolves Pack
Viewed by some as wild, even barbaric, the Space Wolves are nonetheless a proud brethren, as noble as they are fierce. Those who dare to oppose them quickly feel the fangs of the wolf around their throats, for the Sons of Russ are dedicated to the hunt.
Our standard price 47,50 EUR
Your price 28,50 EUR
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Warhammer 40,000 - Space Marines: Hammerfall Bunker
The Hammerfall Bunker offers your Space Marines army unrelenting firepower where you need it most. In addition to its Hammerfall missile launcher, each bunker is outfitted with a heavy flamer or heavy bolter array, enabling you to devastate any nearby enemies, regardless of their direction of approach.
Our standard price 55,00 EUR
Your price 33,00 EUR
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Warhammer 40,000 - Iron Priest
Likened to the alpha of a wolf-pack, the Iron Priest marshals and directs the power of the Fang’s war machines into something far more impressive than the sum of its parts. Claiming absolute dominion over the tank, the fortress and the gunship, this priest of the machine coaxes maximum yields from the gun-spirits of heavy weapons and brings dying engines to glorious life with his ministrations.
Our standard price 315,00 EUR
Your price 189,00 EUR
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Warhammer 40,000 - Space Wolves: Morkais Hunting Pack
Equipped with grapnel launchers and special issue bolt pistols with which to hunt their quarry, Hounds of Morkai are a deadly and highly manoeuvrable unit of Reivers that lend the Space Wolves a significant edge against psykers. If you're facing an enemy force with numerous and/or powerful psykers at their disposal (such as the Space Wolves’ hated enemies, the Thousand Sons), never leave Fenris without at least one pack of Hounds of Morkai!
Our standard price 40,00 EUR
Your price 24,00 EUR
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Warhammer 40,000 - Njal Stormcaller in Terminator Armour
Njal Stormcaller can bend the savage elements to his will. He is clad in terminator armour and armed with the Staff of the Stormcaller and accompanied by his psyber-familiar, Nightwing. The skies are his to command, and he takes fierce delight in summoning ice-toothed blizzards and howling gales with which to scatter and destroy those who stand in his path.
Our standard price 23,00 EUR
Your price 13,80 EUR
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Warhammer 40,000 - Primaris Impulsor
The Impulsor is a lightly armoured, fast-moving assault transport favoured by Vanguard Space Marine forces. Benefiting from the same advanced gravitic-impulsion technology employed by the heavier Repulsor-class chassis, the Impulsor boasts vectored thrusters that offer the it far greater manoeuvrability.
Our standard price 65,00 EUR
Your price 39,00 EUR
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Space Marines: Primaris Invader ATV
The Invader is a highly flexible all-terrain vehicle, perfectly adapted to an aggressive reconnaissance role. Outfitted with either a multi-melta or an onslaught gatling cannon, it can rapidly deliver punishing fire against vulnerable parts of the enemy line, or swiftly engage and destroy scouting elements of opposing forces.
Our standard price 41,00 EUR
Your price 24,60 EUR
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Warhammer 40,000 - Primaris Lieutenant in Phobos Armour
Lieutenants act as the right hands of their Captains by providing flexibility and helping to direct their battle-brothers in engagements. They are often entrusted with direct battlefield command of a demi-company or strike force – handling squad-level combat logistics and acting as exemplary leaders.
Our standard price 31,50 EUR
Your price 18,90 EUR
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Warhammer 40,000 - Rune Priest
Rune Priests possess potent psychic powers, they are masters of the storm: by their command howling gales and fearsome ice blizzards beset and confound the Allfather’s foes. Theirs is the knowledge of the mystic arts, of hidden rites handed down throughout the millennia that consume their days and haunt their nights.
Our standard price 23,50 EUR
Your price 14,10 EUR
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Warhammer 40,000 - Rune Priest in Terminator Armour
Rune Priests possess potent psychic powers, they are masters of the storm: by their command howling gales and fearsome ice blizzards beset and confound the Allfather’s foes. Theirs is the knowledge of the mystic arts, of hidden rites handed down throughout the millennia that consume their days and haunt their nights.
Our standard price 23,00 EUR
Your price 13,80 EUR
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Warhammer 40,000 - Space Marine Meltaguns
Meltaguns are lethal anti-armour weapons, used by Space Marines when undertaking assaults against heavily fortified defence lines and bunkers. Most effective at very short range the meltagun is capable of reducing rock, metal and living material to molten slag or ash.
Our standard price 9,00 EUR
Your price 5,40 EUR
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Warhammer 40,000 - Space Marine Plasma Guns
Smaller than the plasma cannon, the plasma gun fires several compact 'pulses' of plasma energy.
Our standard price 11,00 EUR
Your price 6,60 EUR
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Warhammer 40,000 - Space Wolves Upgrade Pack
Totally compatible with all existing multi-part Space Marine kits, this upgrade pack contains a sprue of amazing parts for Space Wolves fans.
Our standard price 13,25 EUR
Your price 7,95 EUR
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Warhammer 40,000 - Whirlwind
The Whirlwind is an adaptation of the Rhino design, a lightly armoured tank chassis armed with a multiple rocket launcher system capable of raining precision fire down upon enemy positions. Thanks to its target acquisition system, the Whirlwind is able to bombard hidden or entrenched targets with incredible accuracy, often from behind the safety of cover.
Our standard price 55,00 EUR
Your price 33,00 EUR
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Warhammer 40,000 - Wolf Guard Terminators
Clad in hulking suits of sacred Terminator armour, Wolf Guard Terminators are a brotherhood of nigh-invulnerable champions, each eager to dispense his own particular brand of death.
Our standard price 51,25 EUR
Your price 30,75 EUR
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